The Whatawhata rugby club will be 130 years old this year 2022. The humble little building was gifted to the club in 1992 and was moved to the recreation site, over the years the building had seen better days.
The club continued to have fundraising nights during renovations with a weekly get together selling raffles and a joker draw all to fund their renovations. Things started to come together – starting to look nice with new gib, a few Sunday working bees to get all the jobs done.

21st September 2021 – The club received a phone call that would shatter their world, they learnt that the club was on fire. They drove straight out to the club to see the devastation. Heartbroken was an understatement they were in mourning and to find out 1 week later from the fire investigator that the cause of fire was deliberate arson was just too much to bare.

Literally all the clubs hard work went up in smoke. Moving ahead to December, a property developer Keith Clapson heard about our club being burnt down wants to donate a house to our club for new clubrooms. The house on offer was a 3 bedroom home its situated in Dinsdale.

The proposed site for delivery would be Maori Point in Whatawhata.

Prestige Building Removals were more than happy to help with this exciting project! On the Sunday night, 1st May 2022 – Our team prepped and delivered the new club room to its new site.